President's Welcome
Welcome sisters, family and friends,
This is our new home and the official source for all things regarding The Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority.
I hope this website provides all the pertinent information you to learn more about our sorority, our sisters and what we are doing to benefit our communities and our Universities. As you explore our website if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. We are thrilled that we get to share what we are doing and how we effect those in our communities.
To my sisters all over, As your president I hope to serve, represent and honor yall as well as our letters with all my heart. My goal is to continue to grow our sorority following our founding Mother’s principles and visions.
Lastly, I want you all to know that I am proud and appreciative of each and every single one of your contributions’ and love for our sorority. Never lose that passion!
Thank you for your support and love to Alpha Sigma Rho
Katherine Kim
National Board President 2013-2014