You have the power to leave an everlasting influence on the sorority by staying connected with your chapter or associate chapter and the sorority National Board. We encourage you to become a positive influence for the younger generations and help them find the passion for ASR. Many of our National Board officers and volunteers are alumnae that continue to participate in the growth of Alpha Sigma Rho throughout their lifetime. We want you to remember the values of ASR and reflect them as leaders in your career and the community. Alpha Sigma Rho will always remain committed to you and that you will always remember our sisterhood is for life.
Every semester your local chapter or associate chapter welcomes new sisters into our sorority; you can stay connected by welcoming the new sisters into our sisterhood, attending formals, participating in alumnae weekend, connecting with a new sister that shares your major or interest through Facebook, email, or meeting in person, and become a mentor to the younger girls. You can also attend National Convention to meet sisters from other chapter or associate chapter. The most important thing is to continue participating in the development of the sorority.
You can also stay connected by offering financial support such as donating to your local chapter or associate chapter, and Alpha Sigma Rho National Board. Alumnae can volunteer their time at your local chapter or associate chapter and National Board, becoming a financial advisor, or donating items to them such as desks, paint, supplies or decorations for recruitment etc.
With so many active sisters and alumnae around the country, there is great opportunity for networking. You can do so by providing career opportunities to the younger girls, such as job offers or internships; professional advice in general. With sisters residing in different cities around the globe, our alumnae network can help provide relocation assistance and share any career insight and stay connected with girls that graduated.
National Board will periodically send out updates with regard to each chapter and associate chapter. We also will invite nominations for feature sisters, inquire articles for our blog, and any alumnae news you wish to share with us. So stay connected with us by opt-in the email form and visiting our website.