Call to Action: Solidarity for Black Lives
Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. Statement Regarding the Unequal Treatment of African Americans, While Calling for Social Awareness and...

Alpha Sigma Rho Joins NAPA
Happy Monday! Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. has been chosen as the newest organization to partner with NAPA (National Asian Pacific...

10th Charter: Montclair State University
Our 10th Charter was formed at Montclair State University. This charter shall be referred to as our Kappa Charter Class. Congratulations...

9th Charter: Texas Tech University
Our 9th Charter was formed at Texas Tech University. This charter shall be referred to as our Iota Charter Class. Congratulations to...

TOP 5 Convention Locations
The 2015 ASR Convention may be over, but don’t be too sad if you weren't able to make it this year because 2016 Convention will be right...

Epsilon Chapter 2014 Phil Week
September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Every year, Temple holds their Philanthropy Week to generate proceeds to be donated...

2014 Greek Sneak Peak!
Congratulations to our Beta Chapter for successfully presenting and showcasing what Alpha Sigma Rho is all about at Greek Sneak Peek 2014...

Passing the Presidential Baton
Wow, time sure flies when you are working hard and having fun! Those two things sum up my tenure as President for National board and...

President's Welcome
Welcome sisters, family, friends, and guests! Welcome to our website. Feel free to navigate around to find out more about what our...

MY ASR Story
I never thought, when I went to college, that I would join a sorority because I knew nothing about Greek life. But here I am, an official...