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Sister Spotlight: Kase Angela

Many of you know Kase as being hilarious, or wanting to take a thousand “posed” pictures, or having an overly extensive collection of nail polishes, which she will likely never use within her lifetime. But speaking from the heart, Kase is certainly a pillar in the foundation of my life.

We initially met as new members in a business fraternity – and she came right out & said “Carol, you’re the only one in our class whom I’m not really close with. I don’t really know you.” And being my ignorant, college-self, my initial thought was “whatever.”

But come to find out, our love of all things dance - from choreographing hip hop & modern dances, to watching endless Britney videos – really brought us together. It was Kase that convinced me to join ASR, an unforgettable experience that forged many of my strengths that I would later use in my professional & personal life.

As many of you have seen first-hand, our days are that much brighter because of Kase’s ability to connect with everyone & see the good in them. It is because of this attribute, along with her undying support of ASR, that our sorority has developed & expanded into the strong, national organization that it is today.

Thank you Kase for all your hard work & giving other young ladies the chance to develop life-long bonds of sisterhood & true friendship - a bond such as ours.

Carol Newinn is an ASR alumna and a closed friend of Kase.

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